
Passionate MERN-Stack Dev | UI Developer | AI Enthusiast | Continuous Learner

I'm Anas Aqeel, a dedicated Full-Stack Developer on a mission to blend creativity and technology for captivating web experiences. Exploring the frontiers of AI while crafting user-friendly magic!

Work Experience

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MERN-Stack Developer

Passionate about leveraging my technical expertise, attention to detail, and creativity, I thrive in dynamic and collaborative environments. I am driven to contribute to innovative projects that push the boundaries of web development.

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Next.js Template Developer

I have gained expertise in building single-page applications, optimizing web applications for speed and scalability, and collaborating with design teams to create seamless user experiences.

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Front-End Developer

I am a front-end developer specializing in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Next.js. With a focus on frontend development, I have a strong track record of delivering visually appealing and user-friendly web applications using Tailwind UI.

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React.JS Developer

My journey as a React Developer has provided me with hands-on experience in web design, web development, and building applications using Bootstrap and Next.js. This experience has enhanced my ability to write clean and maintainable code while meeting project requirements and deadlines.